Wednesday, 31 December 2008

oil coming from????

crude oil (English : petroleum , latin : petrus - karang and oleum - oil ), called as balck gold, is a weight liquid, dark, or greeny, that easy burned, that lies in up segment of some area in lithosfer, crude oil consist of complex mixture of many hydrocarbon, part of them is alcane, but has variaty in performance, ingeridient, and purity.

taken from

Monday, 29 December 2008

Petroleum Engineering Discipline

In Petroleum Engineering, There are 3 kinds of discipline
1. reservoir engineering.
Reservoir engineering is science that learn about how to predict the amount of reserve, characteristic, of fluid in the subsurface including the formation pressure.
2.production engineering.
Learning about how to produce fluid so that reach surface, including technologies that can be applied when the well ready.
3. drilling engineering.
Learning about design and execution of drilling after know the point of drilling location that will be used as well hole